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About Me

Hi! My name is Orlando and I'm an Electrical Engineering student at the University of Houston. I bring ideas to reality through multidisciplinary skills in engineering. May it be guiding rockets or making electrons sing, I'm adaptable to any problem or prototype solution you may need.

I'm always on the lookout for opportunities to develop myself and help others in the process. I'm currently Project Co-Chair of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at UH to mentor fellow students in hands-on engineering skills.

My journey in leadership and real-world engineering began in my freshman year of college when I became Avionics Lead Engineer of the Space City Rocketry team. As a lead engineer I orchestrated the avionics sub-team to create a student researched and designed avionics system for an O-Class competition rocket. Our system allowed us to recover a Mach 2 rocket from 30,000 feet in the New Mexico desert through GPS telemetry.

Engineering Projects

Saturn V Style rocket using thrust vectoring Thrust Vectoring Model Rockets

Developed amateur rockets that fly purely on active electronic guidance. Using custom-built flight computers, firmware, and thrust vectoring hardware I've achieved a record flight of 330 feet at 80 miles per hour.

Project 2 Image Hybrid Analog Synthesizer

Designed and built an analog synthesizer with a digital MIDI oscillator. Modeled each synthesizer component using the Falstad circuit simulator, then built the circuits on breadboards. This kit was intended to teach fellow students how to prototype circuits from schematics and diagrams.

Project 3 Image Aerodynamic Roll Control On A High-Power Rocket

Built the control algorithms and designed the actuators for canard-based roll control in a high power rocket. Collaborated in the project with a group of rocketry enthusiaists to demonstrate successful aerodynamic control.

Plots of simulation outputs Rigid-body Aerodynamics Simulation Software

Programmed a rigidbody simulator using C++ and Python to create flight simulations of actively controlled model rockets. The simulator estimates aerodynamic forces and control outputs to accurately predict subsonic rocket launches. Versions of this software were used to develop an aerodynamically controlled rocket as well as thrust vectoring rockets.

Circuit board stack flight computer Printed Circuit Boards

Designed and assembled printed circuit boards for rocket avionics. Most of my circuit boards were used for Thrust Vectoring Rockets, however one of my computers was used in the 2022 Spaceport America Cup to fly an O-Class rocket to 30,000 feet at Mach 2. Radio onboard transmitted GPS telemetry down to a ground station to successfully recover the rocket.

Project 6 Image Neopixel Lightsaber

Built a Circuit-Python based lightsaber using commercially available circuit boards. Neopixel is the commonly used term for addressable RGB LED lightsaber blades. As a Star-Wars fan I've always wanted my own lightsaber, however high-quality lighsabers are incredibly expensive, so I decided to make my own prototype as a learning experience and as a fancy conversation starter.

Engineering Services

I posses many skills that may be useful for the hobbyist, educational, or business problems you may have at hand! I'm most experienced at electrical design through printed circuit boards with THT and SMT components.

Contact me at my preferred methods below and get a quote for any of these services. Or if you have a role at your company to fill!


You can reach me at and LinkedIn